The Taxil Hoax

The Taxil Hoax - Fraternal Review
The Taxil Hoax - Fraternal Review

The Taxil Hoax


Print Edition | May 2022

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Leo Taxil published and assisted in the publication of several works under various pseudonyms. He concocted a conspiracy theory that focused on Freemasonry and involved accusations of black masses and of a religious inner order within the fraternity, called Palladian Freemasonry. Taxil also created a slew of fictitious characters through whom he made false and slanderous accusations against the Masonic fraternity.

Taxil’s goal was to undermine the Catholic Church and thus gain fame through his hoax. Although Taxil eventually publicly acknowledged that his accusations and stories were all fabrications, some conspiracies related to what came to be known as “The Taxil Hoax” are still being propagated. Hence, in the 21st century, Freemasonry still finds itself at the center of controversy through misinformation, much of it related to this preposterous and long-ago discredited source.

With this issue of the Fraternal Review, I hope to make accessible the fundamental elements and baseless fabrications of the infamous Taxil Hoax. If Freemasonry is to survive as an order dedicated to the moral and intellectual development of its members, we cannot allow others—especially our most dishonest detractors—to define us. Instead, we must define ourselves as men and as Masons. I hope this issue provides clarity as our fraternity journeys onward down a rough and rugged road. - Worshipful Daniel O. Molina, 32°, Guest Editor

In this Issue

Cover Story

Bro. Daniel Molina explores the life and publishing career of Leo Taxil, the biggest anti-Masonic hoaxer in history.

The Mysterious Origins of Diana Vaughan

Central to the Taxil Hoax was the fictional character Diana Vaughan, an alleged descendent of Thomas Vaughan. Erik L. Arneson uncovers the Rosicrucian.

The Confession of Leo Taxil

Taxil’s confession was originally published in French in Le Frondeur, April 25, 1897. Now you can read why the brazen hoaxer did it.

Pop Culture

Debunking the hoax: A. E. Waite’s Devil Worship In France, Keepers of the Word podcast on Leo Taxil, and Tria Prima podcast on Baphomet.

Antisemitism, Anti-Masonry, and the Taxil Hoax

Matt Parker reveals the little-acknowledged role of antisemitism in the anti-Masonic Taxil Hoax.

Final Word

Adrian Castro, PDDGM, reminds us that disinformation can only be countered by factual information.

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