Bro. Mark Poliner contemplates sacred geometry from Euclid, through Noah’s Ark and the Temple of Solomon of the Old Testament, to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Giordano Bruno & The Numberless Worlds
The Masonic Origins of Labor
Metal, Masonry, and The Resurgence of Primordial Brotherhood
Melville's Semi-Masonic Club
Freemasonry And The Ancient Mysteries
The Devil's Weed and the Luciferian Freemasonry Hoax of Leo Taxil
The Temple Mount, The Foundation Stone, and The Cave
Masonic Feasts and Festivals
From Freemasonry to Fringe Masonry
As Freemasonry spread across western Europe during the 18th century, numerous new high “Masonic” degrees and Rites were created, especially in France and the territories of Germany. These often used, and not infrequently blended together, the symbols and teachings of alchemy, hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Christian esotericism, chivalry, and Kabbalah (originally a Jewish mystical tradition which, by then, had also been adopted and reinterpreted by Christian thinkers).
Escape the Matrix
A Toast to Truth
Liberty, Equality, and Justice
Benjamin Franklin's Table of Virtues
The Liminal Chamber
Kabbalah, Freemasonry, and the Tree of Life
Experiencing the Masonic Legacy Society
A Further Look Into Observing the Craft
Brother Ian sat down with Worshipful Brother Andrew Hammer, Master of Alba Lodge, No. 222 in Washington, D.C., to discuss his inspiring book, Observing the Craft.