Gold changed the destiny of a nation. Its accident discovery in 1848 by a moody, not-too-bright carpenter set off the most frenzied gold rush in the history of the world, and the greatest mass migration of human beings ever known. It turned California — until then a sparsely populated, largely unknown region — into a household word throughout the world.
Death, Immortality & Freemasonry
Nothing in the human story is more striking than the persistent, passionate, profound protest of man against death. Even in the earliest time we see him daring to stand erect at the gates of the grave, disputing its verdict, refusing to let it have the last word, and making an argument on behalf of his soul.
Freemasonry & The Tarot
Tarot is defined as one of a set of figured playing cards used in Italy as early as the fourteenth century; also a game played with such cards in which 22 Tarots (the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet), all being trumps, and called the “Major Arcana,” are added to a set of 56 cards of usual Italian suits called the “Minor Arcana.”
Sacred Geometry 2
The All Seeing Eye
The Three Lesser Lights
Sun-worship played a prominent part in the religion of the ancients and was introduced into the mysteries, says [Bro. Albert] Mackey, not as a material idolatry, but as a means of expressing an idea of restoration to life from death, drawn from the daily reappearance in the East of the solar orb after its nightly disappearance in the West.
Alchemy and Freemasonry
The Flower of Life - Where Masonry and Spirituality Meet
I have been asked to put a small paper together on a presentation I have been giving on the flower of life. I have to start by saying that I will be using the words Spirit, Consciousness, God, Creator, all interchangeably within this paper. Whichever entity resonates with the reader, go along with it!
So what is the Flower of Life?. Well, here it is….
The Spiritual Anatomy of Man and King Solomon's Temple
Throughout history, men of great learning and spiritual insight have drawn inspiration from one of antiquity's most celebrated monuments, one which inspired many cultures and spiritual traditions which have placed it foremost in legend, romance, and beauty, and have praised its ruler as the wisest of men.